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A Princess Submits [Safeword LLC 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 3
A Princess Submits [Safeword LLC 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Read online
Page 3
Toward the end of the list, she stopped perusing the names. Owen and Landon Merrick must have responded at the last minute, because this was the first she was hearing about their attendance. Her hands trembled, and she laid down the piece of paper until she got her emotions under control. Why would they show themselves here when they knew the press would eat it up? Were they looking to attend to try and make it seem there were no hard feelings? She could just imagine what her father would say in the morning. Her heart stopped for a beat, thinking maybe Kennedy had mentioned to them that she had wanted to place Lisa with them, but immediately discarded that thought.
“Miss Winthrop, the envelopes have been placed next to the dinner plates and the podium microphone has been tested.”
“Thank you, Alicia.” Lisa casually slipped her heels back on. No matter what happened this evening, she would be prepared. She always was. “Wait. Do you have the seating arrangements?”
“Yes, they’re right here.” Alicia opened the black leather portfolio that Lisa had given to her as a gift last Christmas and produced the seating chart. “We had some last minute RSVPs, so I rearranged the tables to accommodate the changes.”
Lisa reviewed the stenciled blueprint and was content to see that Alicia had made sure to separate her from Owen and Landon. While cocktails and mingling would last over an hour before dinner, it was a relief to know she wouldn’t have to eat while staring at them. It wasn’t like they wouldn’t be in her thoughts every second of the evening anyway.
“This is good, Alicia. I appreciate the consideration that you’ve placed into this.”
“You’re welcome. Is there anything else you need before I go and welcome the attendees?”
“No, thank you.”
Lisa watched as Alicia walked toward the French doors of the hotel’s banquet area. She was well worth the salary she was given. Seventy-five guests were going to be in attendance and it was going to be a very demanding evening. Lisa had faith that Alicia would see to the finer details, thus letting Lisa concentrate on garnering donations. No matter what the evening brought, she wouldn’t let her reaction to Owen and Landon get in the way of her job.
* * * *
Landon stood inside the French doors and surveyed the venue. Lisa had done a great job of taking a sterile environment and turning it into an intimate setting. The round tables had plenty of room to maneuver around, classical music drifted softly from the invisible speakers, and tray-bearing servers were gliding through the throngs of mingling people offering confections of every sort. With the faces that he recognized, Lisa would make a remarkable gain tonight toward her charitable objective.
After Owen had left his office yesterday afternoon, Landon was able to assimilate the situation. He’d acquired a fascination for Lisa over the years, never thinking that they would have a chance to cultivate a relationship with her. Their penchant for BDSM ran deep. He and Owen had agreed long ago that their needs weren’t meant for just in the bedroom. They wanted a submissive outside of that realm as well. That wasn’t to say that she would serve them twenty-four-seven, but it would consist of anything outside of their or her business hours. Now that they were given the opportunity to have what they’d coveted for such a long time, Landon decided all bets were off. She would be theirs.
“It would figure,” Owen murmured, standing by his side, “that James would be here. Kennedy stated that until Lisa made a choice to formally sign the contract that we were to have no contact with Lisa with regards to Safeword LLC.”
“And when have we ever followed the rules?” Landon asked, zeroing in on Lisa. His cock immediately twitched at seeing the way the gold fabric lay over her pert ass. Her long blonde hair draped down over the material, the waves having a life of their own. What he’d give to experience having those strands wrapped tight in his knuckles, pulling her head back and forth as he fed her his cock. She was speaking with the head surgeon of the new pediatric wing, Gerald Slutter, and waving her hands in gesture. “The only issue we’re going to have to deal with straightaway is the takeover.”
“We can’t tell her the truth.”
“No, but we can stretch it. She doesn’t have blinders on when it comes to Philip Zanier. We give her just enough information to validate our reasons behind the acquisition, and hope like hell she accepts it at face value.”
Owen snagged a flute of brut champagne. Landon couldn’t stand the stuff and shook his head when the server offered him the standard fare. He quickly glanced around, seeing if Kennedy was here as well, but couldn’t locate her. The meeting yesterday had gone exceptionally well, considering he still had his reservations. Kennedy was damn good at her job and prided herself on keeping the business respectable. She never spoke of her clients unless relating a success story, so why she told them about Lisa made him doubtful. Not enough for him to walk away, though.
“I loathe the feeling that I’m being set up,” Landon muttered, setting his gaze back on Lisa. “Kennedy doesn’t do anything unless she has a damn good reason.”
“Kennedy might come across as cutthroat, but the one thing she holds in high esteem, is loyalty. She wants Lisa to be happy. I gave her enough information to know that the takeover was necessary.”
“Now that Lisa’s put herself out there, there’s no way in hell any other Dom is getting their hands on her.”
“Gentlemen.” Both he and Owen turned to see James walking up to them, one of his hands in his trouser pocket. For one so rough around the edges, it astonished Landon that James could blend into such a gathering. His dark eyes and five o’clock shadow announced his contempt for all things pretentious as he arrived next to them and came to a stop. “It’s interesting that you weren’t on the guest list a few days ago.”
“I swear, you’re better at your job than a CIA agent,” Owen said, shaking his head. “I take it Kennedy told you about our meeting last night? We formally filled out an application.”
“You assume I wasn’t in the Agency,” James remarked, the corner of his mouth lifting up before he continued. “I’m well aware of your meeting with Kennedy, but until that contract is signed, I assure you both that everything remains appropriate.”
Landon listened closely to what James was saying. Was the reason Kennedy seemed to be breaking her code of ethics on this placement due to the fact that she knew the truth about why he and Owen had taken over Zanier’s company? It wouldn’t surprise him if James had the ability and contacts to ferret out the information that they had been so scrupulously concealed.
“If I may have your attention, please.”
While Owen and James were exchanging words, Landon had not taken his eyes off of Lisa. She was now standing on the obscure stage at the head of the room, a microphone in front of her. Her voice broadcast smoothly throughout the area and softly enveloped everyone with her velvety tenor. As she tilted her neck to speak, her blonde hair parted and fell over her right shoulder like a waterfall. The gold material of her dress shimmered underneath the lights and the shadows contoured her ample breasts before outlining her graceful womanly figure. She was fucking gorgeous in a way no half-starved model could ever portray.
“Thank you for joining us this evening in support of the new pediatric wing. The extraordinary patients, their parents, family, and the staff appreciate your generosity.” Lisa paused as their eyes met, but she didn’t let his or Owen’s appearance prevent her from gracefully continuing. He did notice that she began to twirl the ring on her right hand. He grinned, knowing their presence affected her. Landon needed to do his damnedest to view this as a takeover. Before the evening was through, they would be well on their way to having a signed and sealed contract. “The monetary donations that are being made this evening will go toward new and specialized equipment to ensure that the children are given the best chance for a lifesaving cure. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to you all. Those whom help the weakest among us are rewarded beyond mere public gratitude, they are compensated with grace beyond our mortal means.”
Applause exploded in the room as Lisa nodded toward the crowd and gracefully exited stage left. The music queued and conversations picked up where they had left off. Landon ditched Owen to deal with James and made no secret that he was heading straight for Lisa. She was speaking with two men whom he had no doubt wanted a piece of her luxurious ass, but it would be over his mortally wounded body. Regardless of how Kennedy wanted to play this, it was time that Lisa knew of their intention.
“Gentlemen, I’m sorry to say that I need to steal our lovely woman of the evening for a moment,” Landon said, no apology in his voice whatsoever.
He placed his hand on the inside of Lisa’s elbow and steered her to a quiet corner. Landon was well aware of the eyes that followed them but regarded them with little attention. He’d kept his distance from her long enough, thinking she wasn’t interested in the lifestyle. That particular kink needed to be honestly admitted and not coerced. Now that she went so far as to want to be trained and possibly forge a permanent relationship, all bets were on the table and he intended to call.
“What are you doing?” Lisa asked in a hushed tone. She’d wrenched her arm from him, but Landon studied her closely. Her breathing was labored, her pupils were dilated, and she kept glancing down at his mouth. Did she want to know what he tasted like? He knew the exact moment when she found her bearings—she started to fiddle with her ring. Why hadn’t he noticed that before? At first, he thought she fidgeted because of nerves. Now he could see she did it to give herself grounding. “Better yet, why would you show up here when you know the press is going to eat this up? You ruined my father’s reputation. Are you now after me?”
“Yes.” Landon answered honestly. He knew right away that she got his true meaning. “Are you going to submit, princess?”
An audible gasp escaped her succulent pink lips, coated with a glistening gloss he’d give anything to taste. Her gray eyes widened, and he noticed that her lashes were curled to perfection. Landon couldn’t wait until she was in his bed, her hair tousled and lipstick smeared. He wanted her wanton and wild, begging for more.
“Kennedy told you?” Lisa whispered, her hands clasping in fists. “She had no right.”
“She had every right,” Landon responded. “You told her you didn’t want your application retracted. She honored your wishes and offered you as our submissive to train, just as she offered you us as your Masters.”
“I don’t want you two,” Lisa said defiantly, crossing her arms and slipping her tiny fists underneath her arms. “I’m going to meet with Kennedy on Monday to discuss another placement. I’m sure once she’s given time to see why this wouldn’t work, she’ll choose another—”
“This will work. Your experience within this lifestyle is practically nonexistent. Trust is paramount. You wouldn’t feel comfortable handing over your body to anyone else, let alone your heart and soul.”
“Trust?” Lisa asked, her disbelief evident. “You have the audacity to stand before me and speak of trust? We’ve known each other for years, yet that didn’t stop you from destroying my father.”
“And did you ever give the reasons why a second thought? Does that reconcile with how you viewed us both? Maybe you don’t want to know the truth. I know that Owen made several attempts to contact you. You sat across from me during those meetings as well, never once looking me in the eye.”
“And why would I do that—so that I could see the gleam of conquest within them? No, thank you.”
“Ask me.”
“Ask me,” Landon ordered, deepening his voice to see how she would react. He was pleased to hear a slight hiss as she inhaled, reacting to his command.
“Why?” Lisa demanded, her voice barely above a whisper. Her cloudy gray eyes stayed connected with his, almost as if she were begging him to give the right answer. “Why would you do that to me…to my father?”
Landon’s heart constricted at hearing the pain in her voice, knowing she thought they had done this to her and not her father. She would never know the real reason, for he knew that it would break her. But what he could do was make damn sure she knew that they hadn’t done it to hurt her.
“The company was going to be acquisitioned regardless of who did it, Lisa. We made sure that your father had enough funds left over to survive. No one else would have been that lenient. Now—ask me why we would go to those lengths.”
“But you didn’t,” Lisa said, shaking her head. “He was left with the country house, but no money to cover the expenses. In all likelihood, he will have to sell it.”
“You may want to question him on that, Lisa. Remember that trust is paramount to the type of relationship we are seeking. We will never mislead you, princess. Now, ask me why we would go to those lengths?”
Lisa shook her head, almost as if she were afraid to know the answer. Owen had finally made his way over to them, losing James in the process. Landon was relatively sure James was close by, though. He watched his cousin come up behind her and knew the instant she felt his presence by the widening of her beautiful eyes.
“We made sure that your father was left with enough money because we didn’t want you to worry about his future. You were our primary reason for making sure he didn’t lose everything.”
Lisa slowly shook her head back and forth, as if she could deny their words, thereby making them nonexistent. Whatever lies Zanier was filling his daughter’s head with were about to be extinguished. She might not accept their word at face value right now, but she would come to trust them. It was only a matter of time.
“You have until Monday,” Landon said, wanting to finish this discussion as people were starting to take their seats for dinner. “Discuss things with your father, have a conversation with Kennedy, and whatever else you need to do to validate your decision to submit to us. We’ll be waiting, princess.”
Chapter Four
“I feel like my world is spinning out of control. I don’t know what to do.”
“Yes, you do,” Kennedy said, taking a seat next to Lisa on the couch. Her office was a bit on the chilly side, but the sun shining through the windows offered a slight reprieve. “We’ve been friends a long time, Lisa. I would never jeopardize our friendship just to say I had another successful placement. I truly feel that Owen and Landon can give you what you need.”
“Is this Kennedy, my friend, speaking or Kennedy, the CEO of Safeword LLC?”
“Your friend, for the moment,” Kennedy replied with a half smile.
“Fine. Then how do you know what I need? For just a moment, let’s put what they did to my father aside.”
“You want to come home at the end of a tension-filled day and leave your cares at the door. You want decisions to be taken from you and given to a Dominant who has your best interests at heart. Isn’t that what you said the first time I told you about Safeword LLC? It just so happens I think you would be better off with two Masters.”
“Experienced?” Kennedy filled in the rest of her thought. “That’s a good thing, Lisa. You’re beginning a journey into a lifestyle, and unlike most neophytes, you are being given the opportunity to experience it with considerate Dominants who actually care about you. There are many submissives out there who fall prey to predators using the lifestyle as an excuse to abuse women.”
Lisa stood up, needing to move about and expel some of this pent-up energy. Her entire weekend had been spent in turmoil. How she got through Friday’s event was beyond her. She had felt the heat of their gaze on her body the entire evening. Lisa had even gone home with every intention of attempting a frustratingly elusive orgasm, but she only ended up infuriating herself more.
“So I know them,” Lisa declared, spinning around for another walk across the room. “I didn’t know them well enough to ever think they would ruin my father, now did I?”
“I think you’re just using that as an excuse.”
“An excuse for what?” Lisa asked, stopping and fac
ing her friend. “Is it so wrong to make certain that my decision is based on reason and not lustful desire?”
“Of course not,” Kennedy replied, sitting as regally as she had when Lisa had first met her. Nothing ever seemed to ruffle her feathers. “But I can’t seem to fathom why you had the courage to fill out an application, only to not follow through with it today. Weren’t you the one standing here last Friday, imploring me not to retract your submission? The CEO Kennedy, that is. You said that you spoke with your father on Saturday. Did that clear up any misconceptions?”
“He was angry that I had spoken with Owen and Landon to begin with. But after a while, he confessed that he was left with enough funds to scrape by without too much pain. Father is more worried about Millie than anything, although I’m not naïve enough to think that he doesn’t want access to more cash to maintain a more comfortable lifestyle.”
“Did you not consider that Owen and Landon did what they did with your best interests in mind?”
“Would you?”
“Can you honestly stand there and tell me that you didn’t know they were even slightly interested in you?” Kennedy uncrossed her legs and gracefully removed herself from the couch. She made her way over to her desk and sank into the black leather of her chair, picking up her ivory-handled coffee cup. “Is it so hard for you to believe they did something to garner your attention? Don’t get me wrong, it’s extreme, but in my experience, Dominants don’t do anything half-assed.”