Perfect Match [Mé 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

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  Elise giggled, bringing her hand down and wiping her palm on her jeans. Chad shared a look with Dakota. They had never heard her laugh before, and her cute little giggle rang out in the morning air. He wanted her to loosen up and enjoy what life had to bring her, especially if that meant he and Dakota were the ones bearing gifts.

  * * * *

  Elise watched as Maureen Collins placed the last batch of pancakes on the breakfast bar. She was a pretty woman, somewhere in her fifties. Her natural wavy black hair was cut to her chin, accentuating her heart-shaped face. But it was Dakota and Chad’s fathers that they took after, from their height to their brilliant blue eyes. Elise watched as Bruce Collins came up behind his wife and placed a kiss on her neck, before reaching around her and snatching up a piece of bacon. Maureen slapped his hand, but laughed at his antics.

  “You already ate, you big oaf,” Maureen chided lovingly. “Let our guest have her fill before you go and eat again.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Bruce answered with a smile and a wink. He walked over to the coffee machine and refilled his cup. “So, Elise, Chad and Dakota mentioned someone attacked you yesterday. Have they caught the little sh—ah, man who did it?”

  Before Elise could answer, David Collins came in from the kitchen door. Taking his hat off, he hung it up on the coat rack in the corner. Slapping Bruce on the shoulder and mentioning that all the horses had been fed, David walked over to Maureen and kissed her. She blushed and snuck a quick look over at Elise. She looked away, not wanting them to think that she was watching. To give herself something to do, Elise reached for a piece of bacon. She’d already had two pancakes and some fruit but couldn’t seem to keep her hands still.

  Even though she knew that Chad and Dakota’s parents lived the ménage lifestyle, seeing it up close and personal was so different than she imagined. The love that surrounded the three of them was so real, it seemed to penetrate all through the house. Their tender touches and loving caresses were something that Elise thought she only wrote about. Never had her parents ever touched each other the way these three people did.

  “After we leave here, we’re going to head over to the sheriff’s office to see if they have any leads. Elise thought it best she left town, but we and the sheriff think she’d be better off here where we can protect her.”

  “I think that’s the smartest thing to do,” Bruce said, leaning back against the counter and taking a sip of coffee. “Little lady, our boys won’t let anything happen to you. You can count on that.”

  “Mr. Collins, I know that your sons mean well, but I really only came to town for research on a book. Whoever attacked me, well, maybe it’s better to do as he wants. I wouldn’t want Chad or Dakota to get hurt because they feel they have to protect me. They don’t.”

  “If you’re important to them, then yes, it is their job to protect you,” Bruce said, essentially ending the conversation. Elise wasn’t sure how to take that, so she went with the flow, but almost choked on her last bite of bacon when he continued. “So you’re an author—what do you write?”

  “Um, well, I write romance,” Elise answered. If Bruce could change the subject, so could she. “Breakfast was wonderful, Mrs. Collins.”

  “Oh, thank you, dear. Wait until you’ve had David’s ribs on Sunday at the barbecue. You’ll think you’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  “Sunday? Oh, Mrs. Collins, I won’t be here then, but thank you for the invitation.”

  “What kind of romance? And didn’t Chad mention that you were also in town to market some type of website?”

  Why weren’t Chad and Dakota helping her out? Elise glanced over at Dakota, who was busy making his pancakes disappear through his smile. Turning her head to the other side, she saw Chad chewing on a piece of bacon, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. They were enjoying her being in the hot seat way too much. It was Dakota who finally took pity on her.

  “Elise writes erotic romance regarding ménages.”

  “Oooh, really?” Maureen untangled herself from David and came back over to the countertop island. Leaning over onto her elbows and placing her chin on top of her hands, her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “That sounds interesting. Please tell me more. I would love to read them.”

  Elise wasn’t sure how to handle this situation, and was saved from having to give her pen name when Chad intervened. Unfortunately, what he said didn’t make her feel any better. “Mom, Elise will tell you all about it on Sunday, as well as explain what her website is for. I think you’ll find that all your friends will want to sign up their sons. In the meantime, we’re going to hit the road. We’d better see what the sheriff has found out.”

  Dakota had just finished his pancakes and took the last swig of his orange juice. Wiping his mouth with his napkin, he stood and went over to his mother. Giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, he leaned in and whispered something that made her smile.

  “Elise, it was a pleasure to meet you,” David said, coming around the counter area and holding out his hand to help her stand. He gave her a bear hug. “We’ll see you Sunday.”

  Elise finally figured out it was pointless to argue about how long she was going to be in town for. She would let Dakota and Chad tell them later that she really did have to head out before Sunday. Returning David’s hug, and then seeing Bruce standing behind him, waiting for his turn, made her think of the last time she’d been hugged by her own father. It was when she had been heading off to college, to obtain her medical degree. She mentally shook her head to dispel the image, knowing it would only lead to the fight that ensued months later when she told them she wanted to be an author.

  Maureen had finally made her way past her husbands and took Elise’s hands into hers. “Dear, it has been a pleasure to meet you. Please stay close to Dakota and Chad until this man is caught. I’d hate to think of anything happening to you.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Collins.”

  Elise returned her hug and then followed Chad and Dakota out to their truck. No one said a word as they opened her door and she situated herself in the middle. Dakota walked around to the driver’s side as Chad climbed up into the passenger seat. It was then that Elise realized they hadn’t needed to pick up anything from their parents’ house. They had wanted her to meet their parents and see what true love really was. And much to her chagrin, she couldn’t argue now that it didn’t exist. Looking through the windshield, she saw that Maureen and her husbands were standing on the porch, waving goodbye. Each man had an arm wrapped around her and the happiness radiating from her face was evident. Could she have that, one day?

  Chapter Seven


  Dakota applied the brakes at Elise’s request, thankful they were only a mile away from the ranch, where there were no oncoming cars. His tires skidded on the dirt road as he brought his truck to a stop.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “A pig! What is a pig doing loose in Triple?”

  He and Chad started to laugh, finally seeing what she was pointing at. To the right of them, an animal was eating a plant alongside the road, minding his own business. He finally lifted his head to stare at them, and, when he realized they weren’t pulling away, traveled back into the brush.

  “Honey, that’s not a pig. That’s what is called a javelina. It does resemble a wild pig, but it’s a wild animal that lives off of the plants. Dad mentioned that there was a group roaming the area.”

  “He was so cute,” Elise said, not taking her eyes off of where the javelina had been. “Did you see the odd hair on him? What is that beautiful red plant off to the side?”

  “That’s an ocotillo,” Chad answered. “We have some beautiful flowers, especially on the outskirts of town. Those have clusters of crimson-colored lobes. We have the time before Elliot’s garage opens—would you like to take a walk?”

  Dakota held his breath, waiting for her to answer Chad. He hoped that the visit with his parents had done what he wanted it to do. If they could prove to her that love
did exist, and that a ménage relationship could only enhance that love, then maybe they could finally convince her to give them a chance.

  “Yes, I’d like that.”

  Dakota pulled to the side of the road and shut off the engine. He got out of the truck and reached behind the seat to pull out the blanket he always kept in case of emergencies. This time, it would be used for something special. There was a stream where he and Chad used to go when they had troubles. Of course, that was during their high school years when every little thing that happened made the world seem like it would end. As they got older, they learned how to handle life and deal with the problems head-on.

  Chad already had Elise out of the truck, so Dakota joined them as he led her off the road and through the plants and flowers alongside the road. Seeing as it was Arizona, the ground was dirt, with tufts of grass. Some of those were green, but most of them were a brown color resembling hay. Seeing the javelinas from a distance, they stopped and let Elise watch them for a while. Once they continued, Dakota was glad it was still morning, because come afternoon, the heat would be stifling. The landscape changed, and Elise’s eyes lit up at the colors. The grass was thick in this area, its green a stark contrast compared to what they had just passed. Dakota heard the slight sound of water as they approached the stream.

  “This is beautiful! Who would have ever thought this existed!”

  Elise let go of their hands and walked over to the water. Leaning down, she dipped her hand in the cool liquid. Dakota spread the blanket and took a seat, knowing Elise would join them when she was done enjoying the water.

  “This is where Dakota and I would come when we were teens.”

  “Did you bring the girls up here?” Elise teased.

  Dakota loved this side of her. Seeing her smile, he realized she had a slight dimple on her left cheek. She looked like the teenage girls she spoke of, the carefree attitude something he wanted to share with her all the time.

  “No.” Chad laughed, dropping to the blanket beside Dakota. “That was over at Desert Point, a secluded area where you could see for miles. Did you ever go parking?”

  “Parking?” Elise laughed, but some of the light went out in her eyes. “No, I was the daughter of a senator and judge. No boy wanted to be with me.”

  “Then they were fools,” Dakota answered softly. Needing to see her blue eyes sparkle, Dakota mentioned the only thing he knew might lift her spirits. “So what made you decide on a red convertible?”

  “Estelle?” Elise smiled again, standing up and walking to their blanket. She took a seat along the edge, and he noticed that she was careful not to touch them. “She’s my baby. When we signed our first publishing contract, I realized that Shea, Cyn, and I could actually make a living at what we loved to do. So, I gave myself a full year to save all the advances from the books we had written. I had been so sheltered my entire life, I wanted to see what freedom felt like.”

  “Does Estelle do that for you?” Dakota asked, leaning forward and tucking a wayward strand behind her ear. “Does she give you the freedom you want?”

  “Yes,” Elise whispered, her eyes half closing as he leaned in closer.

  “Will you let us make you feel that way?”

  * * * *

  Dakota didn’t give her a chance to answer, instead capturing her mouth with his. Just like last night, his intensity took her breath away. She felt his hand come up behind her head and pull the tie from around her hair. It spilled around her face, making her feel feminine.

  She felt Chad’s hands as he took her arm and started to place tiny kisses on the inside of her wrist. He started to travel up her arm, fluctuating between kissing and licking her skin. Even with the warm air, goose bumps formed and a chill traveled through her body.

  Could they make her feel like she did when she was speeding down the highway, the wind in her hair, as if nothing else existed? When Dakota said they could make her little vibrator seem like nothing compared to their cocks, she wanted to believe him. Unfortunately, there was the little matter of her being a twenty-eight-year-old virgin.

  Pulling her lips away from Dakota’s, Elise gasped for air. Opening her eyes, she saw that Dakota was having just as much trouble breathing as she was. She opened her mouth to tell him about her tiny problem, when Chad lifted her blue shirt over her head. The sun beat down on the tops of her breasts, warming what was already too warm. Seeing both Chad and Dakota devour her with their eyes made her nipples bead underneath her bra. Chad licked his lips, and Dakota gave a groan, before slipping a hand behind her head and pulling her lips to his once more.

  Dakota drew her body to his until he was lying flat on his back against the blanket and she was draped over top of him. Their lips connected, and she felt Chad undo the back of her bra, letting the ends fall to her side. Dakota suddenly turned over, making sure to position her gently on the blanket so that he and Chad were above her.

  As Dakota continued to suckle at her lips, she felt her bra straps being drawn down her arms. When Dakota shifted to his left, she felt Chad suck in her nipple. Having never felt a man’s lips there before, Elise gave a whimper as the tingling shot straight down to her pussy, causing wetness to leak inside of her panties. He was so tender, but she needed something more. Not knowing exactly what that was, Elise reached up to try and grab a hold of his head.

  Dakota took her wrist and pulled it up over her head. Ripping his lips from hers, he said, “Let Chad pleasure you.”

  Elise knew now was the time to tell him about her virginity, but then Chad bit down on her nipple. She cried out, arching her back. God, that felt fantastic. It felt better than fantastic. It made her entire body light up.

  “More,” Elise said in a hoarse whisper. “More.”

  Dakota gave her what she wanted, although he never let go of her wrist. He had somehow managed to capture the other one, so both of her hands were above her head. When his lips closed over her right nipple, Elise almost lost it. How many women got to experience two men loving them? To have both breasts stimulated with warm, moist lips was the most sensual thing Elise had ever experienced. She didn’t think anything they could do would get better than this.

  “Let’s get you out of these jeans. I want to taste you.”

  She felt hands at the waist of her jeans and had to assume it was Chad. Dakota still had a firm grip on her wrists, and no matter how she tried to get him to release her, he held steady. As Chad worked on getting her jeans off, Dakota never released her nipple. She felt his tongue twirl several times around the distended tip, causing the tissue to become more sensitive. When he gave a gentle suction and brought the beaded tip up to the roof of his mouth, Elise gave a strangled cry.

  It was so hard to concentrate on the two of them. Chad had rid her of her jeans and was now in the process of removing her black panties. Her body was too busy responding to Dakota’s mouth to care what Chad was doing. But when he spread her legs wide, Chad managed to get her attention.

  “Chad, I—”

  “Do you like having your breasts suckled?” Dakota asked, having finally released the tortured tissue. She never knew her nipple could throb like her clit, but the pulsating she felt in the tiny tip was agonizing. She needed him to play with it again. “If you like that, just wait until Chad gets your clit in between his lips.”

  Elise couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. She wrote her male characters that way, having them say naughty words, but actually hearing them fall from Dakota’s sensual lips was another thing altogether. She still hadn’t gotten to tell them what she needed to, but all thought fled when Chad’s tongue glided through her folds.

  She likened the feeling to… There was nothing to compare it to, Elise decided. His tongue had captured her cream, bringing it up and over her clit. She was so slick with wetness, the bundle of nerves felt like it was getting shocked with tiny sparks of electricity. Her hips lifted of their own accord, begging for more.

  “Please, more,” Elise pleaded, now tryi
ng frantically to get Dakota to release her wrists. “Let me touch you.”

  “Honey, if you touch us now, this’ll be over before it ever starts,” Dakota murmured against the side of her breast. “There will be plenty of times in the future you can have your way with us. Right now, we want your first time to be about you.”

  Elise lost the ability to speak when Chad entered a finger into her pussy, giving short strokes in and out. On one hand, she was glad that he wasn’t going in too far due to the tissue barrier she knew was there. On the other, if he pushed in farther, then she wouldn’t have to tell them because he would find out on his own. She knew that Dakota didn’t really mean her first time. He had been indicating their first time together, but she couldn’t bring herself to correct him. Her mind finally shut down when Chad’s lips reclaimed her engorged clit. Capturing it between his teeth, he used his rough tongue to rasp over and over that sensitive area. Her hips were now pumping in time with his finger.

  Dakota had finally released her wrists, using one hand to bring her breast up to his mouth. The fingers of his right hand kneaded her nipple and, every once in a while, would pull it up. Her body felt like it was suspended, a feeling similar to the one she got when she stepped on the gas of her little red convertible on an open road.

  “I need—”

  “What do you need, sweetheart?” Chad asked, the vibrations of his voice traveling through her clit and into the recesses of her pussy. She could feel wetness drip down around his finger and down to her anus. They had her body so wired, sweat was now starting to bead in between her breasts. The sun was shining down, reaching places that had never been touched by its rays.