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Original Match [Ménage.com 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9
Original Match [Ménage.com 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online
Page 9
“Ms. Brennan, it’s nice to see you again, although I’m sorry it’s under these circumstances.”
Shea saw that Brad glanced down at their hands and gave a short nod of acknowledgement to Ian. She wasn’t sure what that meant, and decided to ask Ian later. Right now, she needed to know if they were any closer to catching this guy.
“Thank you, Officer Foster, for getting over to the office so quickly. Gray informed me that he was gone. Were you able to find anything out?”
“I am having forensics run the fingerprints taken from the office in hopes that this guy isn’t that smart. What I’m still a little confused on is that you are saying he was not in the coffee shop at the time you were talking about creating a dating site involving ménage relationships.”
“That’s right, he wasn’t. He couldn’t have been,” Shea responded. Ian had released her hand when she had sat on the edge of the couch, making sure the robe covered her knees. “There was an older couple across the shop and two men grabbing coffee to go. No one else was there.”
“Do you think it is someone you know or that your friends know? Maybe your friends told other people about what the three of you were planning to do and it sent him over the edge.”
“I can ask if they told anyone, but when you say it like that, you are inferring that it is someone we know. I can’t believe that. I refuse to believe that.”
“Say her friends didn’t say anything to anyone. How do you think he would have known that?” Gray asked.
Shea turned her head around to see Gray standing behind the couch where she sat, his hands resting on the back. Without thinking, Shea went to cover his hand with hers. Before she could touch him, Gray had pulled his hands away and took a step back. A hooded look came over his face. The sharp pain that hit her chest, or more particularly, her heart, took her breath away. He had rejected her.
Brad must have answered, but Shea didn’t hear him. She couldn’t bring herself to look at any of them. Gray’s conversation from the previous evening came to the forefront, and she finally comprehended that he meant every word of it. He would live the lifestyle of a ménage, but only if it were private and hidden from the world.
She felt the couch dip and saw that Ian had come over to sit with her. Not wanting to be near either one of them now, Shea went to stand. Ian prevented that from happening by placing his hand on her knee. The pressure didn’t hurt, but it was a warning that he didn’t want her to get up. He would have to live with it.
Shea didn’t even have to use her hands and just stood up, causing Ian’s hand to fall from her knee. A part of her felt guilty that she had rejected Ian like Gray had done to her, but she knew they came in a package deal. And that meant if she couldn’t accept Gray’s need to hide their relationship, then she couldn’t accept Ian.
“I’m sorry, Brad. What did you say? How do you think this guy knew about the dating site?” Shea was proud of herself that she was able to keep her voice from shaking.
“I think this guy has access to a listening device. From what you said yesterday, you think that he was sitting outside of your apartment building. Maybe he has some type of equipment that can pick up conversations. If that is the case, he might have been outside the coffee shop.”
Because she was standing, Brad must have felt like he should do the same. He unfolded his frame from the chair. She felt Ian come up behind her and tensed, thinking he was going to touch her. That was something she couldn’t handle right now.
“Do you think he works in law enforcement to be able to have that type of equipment?”
“No. Anyone can order anything off of the Internet,” Brad answered. “But we can’t underestimate him. Hopefully, we will get a hit on the prints and be able to make an arrest. We’d like to put a trace on your phone line. We have a detail watching the building, but Gray mentioned hiring a personal bodyguard until we can catch this guy.”
“That won’t be necessary. I’m heading back home and will make a stop at the local police station. Would it be all right if I give them your card and have them contact you?”
“Brad, Shea will actually be here for a while,” Ian said, placing his hands on her shoulders. If she thought it wouldn’t cause a scene, Shea would have walked away. “Will you let us know as soon as you run the prints?”
“Sure.” Shea could see that Brad was a little confused at the tension, but was smart enough not to say anything. “I’m heading back to the station right now. I just wanted to get Shea’s permission for the trace so that I can get the paperwork started.”
“Yes, the trace is fine,” Shea replied. Gray had stepped in front of her line of vision, coming to stand beside Brad. “I’m sure Gray can see you out.”
By saying that, Shea made sure Gray was occupied with Brad while she was able to finally shake Ian’s hands off of her shoulders. Turning toward the hallway, Shea made her way toward Gray’s bedroom. Untying the robe, she had made it through the door and to the chair where her clothes were. She was just about to pull it off of her shoulders when a hand caught her upper arm, swinging her around.
“What are you doing?”
Shea swung to face Ian, anger finally taking the place of the hurt that Gray had caused. She had had more emotional swings in the past two days than in the past few years. To feel as strongly as she did for them and then to have Gray want her to conceal it was too much to take. She wasn’t made like that. She knew in the beginning that this would be a major problem and had let Ian convince her it was something they could change.
“What’s it look like I’m doing, Ian? I’m getting dressed and leaving.”
“So you’re running.”
Shea hated the tone of his voice, as if he was patronizing her. “Running? And what would I be running from, Ian—a relationship that will never see the light of the day? I’m not made that way.”
“So you run at the first sign of trouble? You knew that was how Gray felt, and while I don’t agree with him either, it’s up to us to fight for what we want and how to compromise.”
“And then have him blame me when your business goes under? Or have him say it’s my fault that his reputation is ruined? If you think this is something that can be compromised on, you are sadly mistaken.”
“I never said I was worried about my reputation, Shea.”
Shea glared at Gray as he walked into the room, still wearing his dress pants and dress shirt from earlier. He must have changed back into them after she had fallen asleep. He looked too damn sexy, and it was a good thing her anger was still in the forefront, as she might have just forgiven him for his earlier rejection.
“Does it matter, Gray? Whether it’s your reputation or your business, it all amounts to the same thing—you want to hide me.”
“It’s not you I want to hide. You walked in the room earlier holding Ian’s hand. If you had held mine, Brad would have thought it odd. Either that, or he would have thought you were—”
“Gray, watch what you’re going to say, man,” Ian warned. “She’s going to take that the wrong way and have every right to.”
“It’s a little late for that, Ian,” Shea said, dropping the robe to the ground. Grabbing her pants, she shoved her legs into the material, not caring that she didn’t have underwear on. “What your brother is saying is that he doesn’t want people to think I’m a slut. Well, I’ve taken both of you at the same time. That kind of does make me a whore, doesn’t it?”
“You say that again, I swear, your ass will be pink for a week,” Ian warned.
“Oh, please.” Shea picked up her shirt and brought it over her head, ramming her arms through the sleeves. “If I were into the BDSM scene, I would have joined a club. And I should really think on that, considering at least then, I’d be able to go public with whoever I was with.”
“I’m not ashamed of you, Shea,” Gray said, standing with his legs apart and his arms crossed. His brown eyes seemed so dark, as if he could compel anything around him to do what he wanted. “But business a
ssociates have a different view on those types of relationships, and it’s better to be careful in certain situations.”
“You won’t have to worry about it.” Shea picked up her jacket only to have Ian rip it away from her hands. “I’m leaving and heading home. You can keep your reputation as pristine as it was before I arrived.”
“Look, you’ve already established to Brad that you are with Ian. We can continue on with that scenario in public. In private, we can maintain our relationship as we see fit.”
“Gray, stop while you’re ahead,” Ian snapped. “Shea deserves a hell of a lot better than you shunning her in public. I could give a rat’s ass about the business, and it’s damn high time you realize that there is more to life than schmoozing clients who are pretentious and probably carry on in their private lives in ways we don’t want to know. Do you want to be like them?”
Shea didn’t want to stand here and watch them fight. A part of her felt guilty that Ian was taking her side, while the other felt vindicated that someone else saw the situation from her point of view.
“Ian, give me back my jacket. I’m leaving. There’s no reason for you two to fight over something that is a non-issue.”
“Is that how you see yourself, a non-issue?” Ian asked. “Because I view you as a hell of a lot more than that. I see you as a part of our future, but I hate the fact that you are running at the first sign of trouble. I have enough issues dealing with my hard-headed brother without fearing that you will leave at the drop of a hat.”
“I’m not a runner, Ian,” Shea yelled, finally at her breaking point. “How can I run from something that can’t even get a healthy start? The first morning of this so-called relationship and Gray won’t even touch me!”
“Shea, you know that’s—”
“What, Gray, not true? Did you or did you not pull away when I reached for you? When I needed your support and wanted to return the same? Do you have any idea the fear that goes through me when I think that this man could hurt either of you? I love you!”
She was on an emotional roller coaster and so out of control, Shea didn’t realize what she said until Gray and Ian didn’t respond. She mentally reviewed her words and comprehended what they meant. Needing time to herself and knowing they weren’t inclined to give that to her if she stayed inside the apartment, Shea rushed past both of them. Ignoring her name being called out, she made a beeline for the front door. She was out of the condo and in the elevator right as Gray and Ian came rushing toward the closing metal doors.
Chapter Nine
“Damn it, Gray,” Ian snapped, connecting his fist to the wall in order to vent his frustration. “I told you repeatedly that she wasn’t the type of woman you would be able to force your ideals on when it came to our relationship. When are you going to face that she is more important than anything, and that includes our business?”
“We’ll take the stairs and meet her in the lobby.”
Gray hurried to the exit door off to the side and slammed the door open. Ian followed, but refused to let the subject drop. He wasn’t going to let his brother ruin the first chance at happiness they ever had.
“She has no purse, no money, and no car. Someone wants her and will do anything to have her. Do you realize the danger she is in right now? I swear, if we lose her—”
“What I know is that you are not helping the situation,” Gray retorted, leading the way. “And I also know that I pushed her too far. I feel guilty enough as it is, and I don’t need to listen to you rub it in. We need to make it to the lobby before she leaves the building and puts herself in danger.”
By the time they made it to the lower level and burst through the door, they knew they were too late. There were two elevators, and one of them was standing wide open while the other was on its way up, according to the numbers displayed above the elevator. Ian ran for the rotating door.
“She’s gone.” Gray stood on the sidewalk, and they watched as the people went about their business as if they didn’t have a care in the world. “Fuck!”
“She couldn’t have gotten too far. You go right and I’ll go left,” Ian ordered. He ran down the street, yelling over his shoulder. “Call my cell phone if you find her, and I’ll do the same!”
* * * *
Shea angrily wiped the tears that had slipped from her eyes. She had admitted that she loved them. How stupid could she have been to give them that type of ammunition? She had no doubt that they could eventually convince her to have the type of relationship that Gray wanted. The way her body reacted to them as if it had a will of its own definitely overpowered her ability to think.
She was just rounding the corner when she rammed into a man who put his hands out to steady her. Her heel must have caught in the crack of the sidewalk, because her ankle twisted and she heard a snap. Looking down at the ground confirmed that her shoe had broken. Shit, just her luck.
“I’m so sorry,” Shea said, leaning down to pick up the heel.
“No problem. I’m sorry as well,” the man said. “I wasn’t watching where I was going. Are you all right?”
Shea could just imagine the sight she made, with her tear-streaked face and broken shoe. She had left the condo without her jacket, and the chilly air was now taking its toll. Goose bumps were covering her skin.
“Yes, I’m fine.” Shea stood, finally getting a look at the man. His face was gaunt, and his color was a bit on the pale side. The coldness of his eyes was what made her take a step back.
“Well, you have a good day, ma’am.”
Shea nodded her head with relief. For a brief second, she thought he might be the man that was after her. But what were the odds that he would be the one she would run into—unless he had been watching the front entrance? When he moved to her left, she moved to the right. The movement brought her close to the edge of the sidewalk. Before she realized what had happened, the man had a knife to her throat and her back was pressed against his chest.
“If you scream, I will slit your throat,” he whispered menacingly in her ear. “Why wouldn’t you listen to me? I tried to tell you that they were corrupting you. They want you to be a slut for them.”
Spit hit the side of her face as he spoke, making her stomach lurch. Shea had instinctively placed her left hand on the arm containing the knife, dropping the heel to the cement below. How could she have been so dense as to run out of their condo knowing that her stalker was out here waiting? At least the men weren’t around, as she knew they would have tried to save her, probably getting hurt in the process. As mad as she was at them, she still loved them more than anything.
“Why are you doing this?” Shea asked, desperately trying to think of a way out of the situation. “I don’t even know you.”
“I’m doing this to save you. You are going to get into the car and slide across the seat to the driver’s side. You’ll do as I say and go where I instruct you to go. Then it will be time to teach you the lessons that you’ve obviously not learned. I will make you into the perfect woman. You will learn to appreciate me.”
Shea had never been so scared in her life. She knew that if she got into his car, the likelihood of her coming out alive were nil. She would never see Gray or Ian, never be able to tell her parents she loved them again. Cyn and Elise would grieve, and she wouldn’t be there to console them. Suddenly, it dawned on her that the details of how she was with Gray or Ian didn’t matter. She loved them and had probably just thrown it all away due to pride.
“Let her go!”
Ian’s voice caught not only her attention, but that of everyone around them. She heard a few shouts of fear and footsteps fleeing. Some people stayed and seemed to surround them, but Shea was too scared to take her eyes off of Ian. The man had swung them around at his demand, and she had never been so glad as to set eyes on the man she loved.
“You did this! You made her into a whore!”
Ian put both hands up, as if surrendering. He hadn’t backed off though. Shea saw that he was only two steps
away. She was able to look into his eyes and see the fear that had set in. It made her feel guilty for having run in the first place. If she had stayed like he had asked, they wouldn’t be in this situation.
“And how did I do that? Shea is an intelligent, beautiful, complex woman with a mind of her own. How can someone like that be a whore?”
Shea knew that Ian was trying to reason with him, but even she knew one couldn’t reason with someone who was insane. His obsession with her was obviously a mental break, and she had no doubt that he was crazy enough to kill them.
“Did you touch her? Did you and your brother touch her?”
“Do you agree with me?” Ian asked. Shea figured Ian was trying his best to distract him until help arrived, but Shea wondered if that would happen. She hoped that someone standing around them had called 9-1-1. Brad couldn’t be that far away.
“Yes!” The man tightened the knife against her throat, causing Shea to hold her breath. She could feel the tip digging into her skin. “Why do you think I love her? I tried to get her to stop writing that filth. How can I claim her for my wife if she has a dirty profession?”
Shea saw Ian’s eyes dart down to where the knife lay at her throat. She suddenly felt something warm trickle down over her collarbone and realized it must be blood. She didn’t feel any pain, but that didn’t mean anything. Her heart was pounding so hard, she doubted she would feel much if he decided to slit her throat. That wasn’t a pleasant thought.
“If you love her, then why would you want to hurt her?”
Shea looked over Ian’s shoulder and saw Gray running toward them, panic written all over him. She wanted to yell out to him that everything was okay and that she would love him any way he wanted, but knew that would only instigate the situation further.
“I would never hurt her!” Shea could hear the insanity in his voice and knew it was only a matter of time before he broke. “But I need to teach her a lesson! She cannot go around writing the dirty sex she does. And she stayed with you! Did you touch her? Did she want you to touch her?”