A Princess Submits [Safeword LLC 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Read online

Page 5

  “Yes,” Lisa replied, wondering how such a blow could possibly wound any deeper by having them there. Her father would maintain his public persona in front of them thereby making it less likely he would demean her choices. “I accept.”

  Lisa couldn’t continue to look at Landon, seeing the heat simmering behind his dark eyes. Owen’s dimple was just too hard to resist, so she resumed her stare on the carpet below. She saw a scuff on the toe of her white leather studded Valentino heel and frowned. It made her wonder what their preference would be when it came to her clothes—at least, inside of their house. When it came to business, she’d made sure to emphasize that her professional appearance was an obligation. She just needed to defer to her partners in her personal decisions when at home. She wanted to hand the reins over to her Masters.


  “What?” Lisa looked up, seeing that the three of them were staring at her. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  “You have yet to pick a safe word. The one you choose will be for scenes. Monarch will be your safe word to call a halt to everything. In which case, the contract will be cancelled without delay. We’ve gone over the importance of safe words, but do you have any other questions in regard to its context?”

  “No,” Lisa answered, feeling her heart race at the thought of picking a safe word. She’d never experienced a scene and was grateful to have a fallback should she feel she couldn’t handle something. She let go of the desk and started to fidget with her ring. “No questions. Um, my safe word will be donation.”

  “Very well.” Kennedy tilted her head toward the desk. “If there are no questions or concerns, then you may go ahead and sign the contract.”

  Lisa spun around, so she could no longer see any of them. She stared down at the papers that would change her life. Yes, it was a two-month contract, but what if it actually worked out? What if this relationship became permanent? In all of her dreams and fantasies, it had always been somewhat of a temporary gift to herself. What would happen if she were to start to grow feelings for them beyond friendship?

  “You’re going to twist your finger off if you keep twirling that ring.”

  Lisa couldn’t suppress the tremor that traveled down her spine at feeling Landon’s warm breath against her ear. She could feel the heat radiating off of his lean build and when he placed a hand at the small of her back, Lisa thought maybe her clothes had burst into flames.

  “Would you like us to sign first?”

  She shook her head, albeit in a jerky fashion. Since when had she been known to cave under pressure? Lisa could deal with the best of them and certainly had been taught to stand her ground. Appearance was everything when it came to her position in the community, as well a prominent member of society. So why did his touch make all of that seem so meaningless?

  “I, uh, can’t take two months off from the charities. There is too much going on now that it is summer.” Lisa turned her head slightly and she swore she could feel his lips against her cheek. Her nipples hardened underneath her camisole, and she was grateful for the jacket she wore. She swallowed. “Will that be a problem?”

  “No. We can accommodate your work.”

  “When you arrive at our home this evening,” Owen continued, causing Lisa to unsuccessfully stifle a gasp as she felt his hand stroke her hair, “we’ll go over what we expect of you. We understand that this is new to you and will take that into consideration for the time being.”

  Lisa released her ring. Despite the deafening sound rushing through her ears, she picked up the pen and signed away her submissiveness. While the doubts continued to swirl about how they could square what they’d done to her father, it was as if her body had finally awakened from a long slumber. Spring had finally arrived. A new chapter of her life was about to begin.

  Chapter Six

  “Usually James escorts the submissives to their placement, but I thought it would be better if I were here as well,” Kennedy said, walking out and nodding to a woman who was coming into the spa. “James is parked out front, so we won’t have to wait for the valet.”

  “You could have told me,” Lisa replied irritably as she followed behind. She resisted the urge to place her hand over her newly bare pussy. It felt—unusual. Sensitive. “That was mean. I didn’t know you could be so evil.”

  Kennedy laughed as she led the way through the busy sidewalk to where James waited with the black town car. Lisa found it hard to meet his gaze when she knew that he was well aware of what had just taken place. Kennedy entered the back of the car and slid over the smooth leather to make room for Lisa. Once Lisa was in and James closed the door, she didn’t waste time.

  “They took it all!” Lisa exclaimed. “Every last piece of hair. It’s gone! And it damn well hurt. Then they had the audacity to bleach my asshole.”

  It was the second time in so many days that Lisa had seen Kennedy laugh so hard she produced tears. On one hand, she was glad she could make her friend laugh. On the other, Lisa hadn’t meant for it to be at her own expense. She hadn’t been kidding when she said that they’d bleached her anal area.

  “Lisa, believe it or not, that is the prerequisite of most Dominants.” Kennedy was still smiling when James got into the vehicle. Lisa saw that he did a double take in the rearview mirror. After a few seconds, they were on their way. “You are hysterical. I haven’t had this much fun in years.”

  “I’m glad you find this humorous,” Lisa complained as she adjusted her white skirt, which reminded her of something. “And then Janet thought there must be some mistake, because apparently, she usually takes the clothes and replaces them with something else. I had to tell her three times that there wasn’t an error. What was that about?”

  “A lot of Dominants prefer this appointment to be a test,” Kennedy explained, turning slightly sideways to face Lisa. “After being prepared, when the submissive sees the clothing that has been chosen, it is usually very different from what she would have chosen herself. Owen and Landon are obviously aware of your position within the community and would never want to embarrass you. As I’m sure you noticed, there were quite a few women whom you know through your charitable work at our spa.”

  “Yes, there were,” Lisa conceded, feeling a warmth come over her at the fact that Owen and Landon had taken her feelings into consideration. It was rare to have someone else pamper her. She felt her first smile crack and found she liked it—a lot. “So, what happens now?”

  “James collected your luggage that you had packed earlier this afternoon. The only thing left is for you to program your cell phone with his number. Should anything go wrong, anything at all, all you have to do is call him. He will be there instantly.”

  Lisa nodded, pulling her cell phone out of the clutch. Kennedy recited James’s number. As she started to program it into the screen, she noticed the trembling in her hands and scolded herself for showing such weakness. This is what she’d dreamed of for so long, so why were her nerves getting the best of her? Lisa finally managed to store and save the number. She dropped her cell phone back into her purse.

  “Lisa?” Kennedy reached over and grabbed her hand. It was so out of character for her that Lisa stared at their entwined fingers in awe. She’d never known her mother, nor did she have any siblings. Kennedy was the closest thing to a friend she had, and even that seemed to have boundaries. But here she was, reaching out to her as if knowing that Lisa needed the assurance. “I know this is what you’ve wanted for a really long time. Please enjoy every second of your experience. Whether this turns into something permanent or just remains within the two-month contract, relish each moment. You have something most of my other submissives don’t—an established relationship with your Dominants. That should only strengthen the bond between the three of you.”

  “I think that’s what I’m afraid of,” Lisa whispered, admitting her true fear. Who else could she say that to? “Let’s face it, having grown up with a father who was more concerned about business than his daughter
didn’t exactly instill my faith in the concept of relationships. Millie did her best, but she had her own family. And yet, I’m not only contemplating a different lifestyle than most, I’m also choosing two men. Maybe I should go see my therapist. It’s been a while.”

  “It comes down to one question.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Is this what you want?”

  Lisa gave a small smile. Leave it to Kennedy to cut out all the melodrama. Is this what she wanted? Yes, more than anything. But wanting something sometimes simply wasn’t enough. There were other factors, other considerations, and other people to take into account. But was it so bad for her to do something solely for herself just this once? She didn’t bother to ask that question aloud as she knew what Kennedy’s answer would be.

  “Yes, it is,” Lisa replied, keeping it simple.

  Kennedy smiled and then started to talk about the various positions that submissives could take. She didn’t say anything that Lisa hadn’t already researched, but the conversation passed the time as they drove out of the city and weaved through progressively larger holdings. James remained relatively quiet, for which she was grateful. Lisa looked out the window as they pulled up outside of a gated residence that enclosed what one could only call an estate. It had white marble Parthenon columns guarding the expansive entry hall clad in leaded glass panels lit from within as if by flickering candles. Manicured gardens adorned the anterior grounds. The landscaping was immaculate with mature oak and maple trees situated to provide shade in the most appropriate places. Lisa could see Landon fitting right at home here, but had figured Owen for having more of an obscure taste.

  “Any questions?”

  “No,” Lisa answered, turning back to Kennedy. “I have questions for them, and once we get past those, then hopefully, these two months will be an experience I will never forget.”

  * * * *

  Lisa stood just inside the entrance, her luggage surrounding her. She admired the transition from the crystal entry hall and the way it opened up into a majestic foyer featuring a grand staircase with sweeping mirror image casings raising on either side to second- and third-story landings. The white banisters contoured with the steps and made it appear to be two welcoming arms. A massive Persian silk rug was placed directly in the center of the room with a large ornate entry table to finish off the ensemble. She was surprised nothing was on top of the polished Maplewood furnishing, but mentally shrugged her shoulders, knowing that everyone held their own particular tastes.

  “You have a beautiful home,” Lisa said, not knowing exactly what she should be doing.

  “Thank you,” Owen said, rolling up his sleeves. He must have shed his jacket somewhere else, along with his tie. His dimple appeared. “We’ll have Raymond take your luggage up shortly. Louis has prepared dinner, but instead of the dining room, we thought you’d prefer the patio out back. The view of the formal garden from our table far exceeds anything you could imagine. You’ll have a chance to meet the staff later.”

  Lisa nodded, twirling her ring and hoping for some semblance of sanity to return. She wasn’t sure what she expected, maybe Owen to order her clothes off or perhaps for her to kneel, but it certainly wasn’t to be offered dinner as if this was a date. He held out his hand. She slowly released her jewelry and slipped her hand in his. His warmth reminded her of Landon’s touch earlier.

  “Come. Landon will join us momentarily,” Owen said, leading the way directly underneath the staircase. The hallway was wide and long, bypassing several rooms off of the main level. French doors were open with their sheer curtains floating in the light breeze. A table was set intimately for three, with a delicate white tablecloth. She cast a furtive glance around and saw beautiful wrought iron furniture displayed in various areas, along with tiled fire pits in the middle of each setting. “Do you like the view? We bought this house a few years ago because of the lake. If you’ll watch closely, there are two swans that bypass this way around every twenty minutes.”

  “It’s very peaceful,” Lisa said, admiring the calm water. She hoped he was right, and that she would get to see the graceful creatures that mated for life. Was that an omen? She turned back to face Owen when she heard the clink of glasses. He was pouring them some wine, which she gratefully took. “Thank you.”

  “Are you having trouble adjusting already?” Owen asked, holding his glass but not drinking. “Usually, you’re very talkative.”

  His statement did get her to smile. “That’s when I have to work a crowd to make sure the donations keep rolling in. This, well, this is different.”

  “Do you feel like you’re going to say something wrong?”

  “Maybe,” Lisa answered honestly. “I’m not sure what you expect of me.”

  “Which is why we are having dinner and taking time to acquaint ourselves on a more intimate level,” Owen answered, gesturing toward the table. “I’d rather wait for Landon to assure that we cover everything, but if you’d feel better asking me some questions, feel free.”

  Whereas earlier, Lisa could have asked him a thousand questions, her mind went completely blank. Thankfully, Landon chose that moment to appear, thus saving her from asking anything. Unlike Owen, he had changed into a pair of khakis and a V-neck, navy-blue T-shirt that she wished were cut a little lower so she could get a glimpse of his chest.

  “I see that you made it,” Landon said, walking directly toward her and stopping short of a breath. It didn’t matter, because she’d lost her ability to breathe oxygen anyway. He slowly leaned down and brushed his lips across her cheek. Now how many times had both of them greeted her in the same manner at functions? Yet, this was totally different—this was sensual, intimate, and downright erotic. “Louis said everything has been laid out, and it looks as if he wasn’t teasing, so let’s get started. I don’t know if Owen told you, but Louis is our cook, Maddy cleans for us, while Raymond does odds and ends. All of them are invaluable to us. You’ll meet them tomorrow.”

  Lisa was content to let them talk as they both held out her chair and made sure she was situated before seating themselves. Owen added on about meeting the two cats that they’d adopted, although Landon protested that he wasn’t taking ownership of those two hellions. He claimed it was all on Owen’s head, along with replacing all the vases and knickknacks around the house that they’d broken. That was when Lisa comprehended why there wasn’t a vase or sculpture on the table in the front foyer.

  “What are their names?” Lisa asked, picking up a fork and feeling herself relax enough to enjoy their meal.

  This type of conversation she could handle. It was what came after that had her anxiety ready to crash down on her like a freight train. Much to her delight, they each started relaying stories about Hansel and Gretel. Owen seemed infatuated with them, and although Landon protested a little too much, it was obvious he enjoyed having them around. Dinner passed a little too quickly for her taste, and before she knew it, they were having coffee that Landon had made while Owen cleared the table. She expressed her delight at seeing the graceful swans swimming through the water. By the time she was halfway through with her drink, Owen and Landon had made their way back to the table and she instantly sensed the change in atmosphere.

  “The night we drove you home when we felt you had too much to drink, we knew then that we wanted you,” Landon said, starting the after dinner conversation with no hesitation. Couldn’t they have allowed her to finish her coffee? “We purposefully stayed away due to the fact we never would have thought you would be interested in the lifestyle. You need to be aware, that this is engrained in us. We can’t change who we are. And it’s rare that we’re surprised, but, princess, you have certainly done so.”

  Lisa tried to swallow around the lump in her throat. He was being brutally honest and now that he paused, it was clear he expected her to speak. She wasn’t sure she could and looked over at Owen for his help. Since when had that begun? Her heart skipped a beat when he flashed his dimple and came to her resc
ue. Lisa was relatively sure she shouldn’t look to one cousin versus the other, but she hadn’t been able to help herself.

  “We didn’t go out of our way to push our particular kink onto you,” Owen said, leaning back in his chair and not even bothering to pretend he was drinking his coffee. As a matter of fact, she noticed he made a face and pushed it toward his cousin. “But you’re an intelligent woman, Lisa. We want you. We have always viewed you as a friend, and when we realized that your father had gotten himself into a predicament that would affect you and his employees, we did what any friend would do.”


  “Listen,” Landon ordered, leaning forward and placing his elbows on the table. “Please, just hear us out before you speak.”

  Lisa stopped herself short and took another sip of caffeine. She had a feeling she was going to need it. The second Owen had brought up her father, she had felt that sting of betrayal. Would it ever go away?

  “You obviously feel we went to extremes,” Owen said, continuing on as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “We will have to agree to disagree. We’re hoping you will realize how important you are to us, even without a contract or the possibility of this intimate relationship that we are about to explore. We did not maliciously go after your father, Lisa.”

  “The reason we are going over this again is due to the fact that you wouldn’t have signed the contract today if you didn’t trust us on some level. The bottom line is your father’s company was going to be taken over at some point. We did it now to protect your interests and assure that he wasn’t penniless. You can take it for what it’s worth, but that’s the truth. The technicalities don’t matter.” Landon’s dark stare seemed to see right through her soul. He was right. She did trust them, which is why she was struggling so much with the takeover. Her father was a weak man, but was he corrupt? By not discussing it beyond this point, was it acceptable to leave her blinders on and let them handle situations like this? Or did that make her weak? “We need to hear the words before going over what we expect from you and what you expect from us.”