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A Princess Submits [Safeword LLC 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 6
A Princess Submits [Safeword LLC 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Read online
Page 6
Did he just say expectations? Lisa knew that she was a bad poker player, but Owen laughing outright at what must be her shocked expression was just plain rude. Really? A submissive was allowed to have expectations? In all of her research, she hadn’t come across that. She carefully placed her coffee cup on the table and laid her hands in her lap, giving her access to her ring.
“We’ve known each other for a very long time. When I was first told that it was your company that was targeting my father’s, my first instinct was to call you. But then my father—well, we all know how he can be.” Lisa noticed how Owen and Landon shared a look, which immediately ignited a flame of ire. Was there something more they weren’t telling her? She looked down at the silver band that encompassed her ring finger on her right hand. It was her mother’s wedding band and one that she never took off. Whenever Lisa felt torn, she always touched the ring as if asking for guidance. What would her mother say right now? As if she were sitting right next to Lisa, the answer appeared. “Fine. To answer you, yes, I do trust you. Please don’t take that to mean that I don’t trust my father. I do. But whatever happened is between the three of you and you are correct in that I don’t need to know the technicalities. I don’t want to get involved in your business.”
It was rare that she saw Landon smile, but his perfectly straight teeth were gleaming in the moonlight. A giddy feeling came over her, washing away any doubt she may have had. Is this what it felt like to garner their approval? Lisa was still astounded that she could express her wishes as well. Maybe she would call Kennedy tomorrow to get a second opinion.
“What are you hoping to get from this?” Landon asked, leaning back in his chair similar to Owen. He seemed much more relaxed. “I’m sure you have expectations.”
“I’ll be truthful and say that I wasn’t aware a submissive could have expectancies in this type of relationship, so I’m not sure I know how to answer.”
“Yes, you do.”
Landon’s voice had deepened, giving her an insight on how he might be during a scene. She’d read up on the clubs and also the extreme forms of submission, such as slaves. She found comfort in the middle, or at least her fantasies did. Suddenly, she knew what they wanted to hear but she’d only ever told Kennedy. Hadn’t they read it on her application? Why did she have to say it out loud? It felt like she was exposing herself in a much too vulnerable way.
“I–I want to arrive home and shed everything that I had to be that day for everyone else. I want to make no decisions, I don’t want to have to be in control, and I just want the f–feeling of being a follower. I just want to be led.”
Lisa had to look back down at her ring for courage when she told them what she wanted. It was her understanding that the Dominants got to choose how, when, and why. It was also of her opinion that Kennedy wouldn’t have set her up with Owen and Landon had she not felt they wanted the same thing. She was feeling a little off balanced and not sure she liked the feeling.
“We understand that you cannot take time off from the charity boards that you currently sit. That isn’t such a bad thing,” Landon said, his voice still deep with that tenor that seemed to send vibrations straight down to her core. “We can give you what you want.”
Hearing him say that made Lisa feel a little light-headed, and she wondered if she’d drunk too much wine during dinner. Her ring seemed to be slipping in her fingers, as her perspiration had little to do with the humidity of the evening. They could give her what she wanted. Should she fess up now and tell them that she’d never had an orgasm? Before she could confess, Owen continued where Landon left off.
“Your instructions are simple. Upon arriving home each day, you will undress at the front door. As of right now, there is a plush white rug that has been placed in the entryway where you are to position yourself. You will kneel, with your buttocks resting on your heels. Your hands will be clasped behind you on your lower back with your knees parted and your shoulders pulled back. We will make every decision from that moment on. All you have to do is follow our commands.”
How could they make her faint from just a conversation? They had yet to really touch her, yet she felt as if she’d just been ridden hard and put away wet. Lisa was trying very hard to keep herself composed, but felt as if they were slowly peeling her layers to expose her soul. Is this what it was like to finally be given everything she’d ever wanted?
“Our staff is very discreet, and each employee has signed a nondisclosure agreement. Any guests that we have are close friends within the lifestyle, so you will remain in the nude. We’re proud that you are our submissive. We will make exceptions on your state of dress if, for some reason, we have family come visit or friends that are not within the lifestyle.”
“We will sleep together,” Owen said, watching her closely as if he were gauging her reaction. Did subs not usually sleep with their Masters? That was another thing she’d have to look up or ask Kennedy. “Your luggage has already been unpacked and placed in our room. We have also had our belongings moved to the master suite. I think it’s safe to say that it’s been a long day for all of us, and seeing as we have a full week ahead of us, I suggest we retire for the evening.”
“Please allow what we’ve gone over this evening settle before asking questions,” Landon said, rising from the table and walking around to pull out her chair. “It can be a lot to take in, but we’ve got all the time in the world to acquaint ourselves to this new relationship.”
Lisa had no choice but to stand up when both men had decided to escort her inside. Landon led the way, with Owen bringing up the back. The way they spoke, nothing was going to happen tonight. On one hand, Lisa was relieved because she was still acclimating herself to the fact that as of tomorrow, she no longer had to worry about decisions. On the other, her body felt as if someone had flipped a switch and left her body on a low humming level. She needed them to touch her, yet wasn’t sure she would find relief. It hadn’t been attainable before, but it should be only a matter of time now. It would be possible, wouldn’t it?
Chapter Seven
Lisa had so many emotions running through her that she gave up trying to categorize them. The day flew by, with meeting after meeting being a blur. The phone call with her father didn’t go as well as planned. She’d managed to push him off for another week, claiming she was involved with too many meetings to make the drive out of the city. Guilt ate at her, knowing that she’d lied to her father, but it was better than the alternative. She had managed to sneak in a question regarding the acquisition, but he immediately brushed it aside.
Now, here she was, standing at their front door and staring at a hundred beveled leaded glass panes. Each pane contained a rainbow where the low angle of the sun kissed the thick glass. She turned back to the driveway, assuring herself that her car was still there. Miraculously, her vehicle had appeared this morning as she questioned Landon on how she would get to work. Owen had left a few minutes prior, saying he was needed in the office. She was surprised to find that Landon worked from home, which meant that he would be waiting for her when she walked through the front door.
“You can do this,” Lisa whispered to herself, spinning back toward the door. “This is what you want.”
“Close your eyes.”
Lisa lay in the dark, listening to their breathing. How could she close her eyes when they were all naked? Owen was spooning her from behind, while Landon lay facing her with his hand on her hip. They were touching her, for crying out loud! Why weren’t they doing more?
“Relax,” Owen murmured. She usually pulled her hair up in a ponytail to sleep, but she’d been so nervous as they got ready for bed, that she’d forgotten. Lisa could feel his lips moving in her hair. Why was that so sensual? “We’re just taking things slow.”
Lisa was hot, but it had nothing to do with the temperature of the room. Her cream moistened her lips between her legs as the freshly exposed skin of her bare pussy felt the warm body heat coming off the men on either side of her unde
r the covers. She didn’t want to take things slow anymore. Maybe she wasn’t ready to give up making choices. She wanted them to touch her, so shouldn’t she just be able to reach out and touch them? Were they holding back because of her? Her hands were below her cheek, so she moved them slightly so she could fiddle with her ring. She felt Landon’s fingers slip from her flesh and cover her hands.
“You’re overanalyzing this.”
So maybe she had overanalyzed their first night together, but that was the way her mind operated. Lisa put her hand on the knob and tried to take a deep breath. It didn’t work and she felt like she was ready to hyperventilate. She released the handle and walked back to the steps. Taking a seat, she looked out over the landscape while she smoothed her fingers out over the silver of her mother’s ring. She was nervous. It was okay to be nervous. It was normal, wasn’t it? Did other submissives feel like this all of the time?
Lisa tried to take stock of the situation as she watched a robin hop across the freshly cut grass. She could smell the scent of it, and it never failed to remind her of spring. It seemed intent on finding a worm within the emerald-green blades. The bird was seeking what its nature drove it to find, which was how she should think of this. She was deserving of feeling the satisfaction that came with following one’s nature, so what was the one thing she wanted most? She wanted to hand over control to Landon and Owen.
Like a lightbulb, the switch had been thrown. She didn’t need to worry anymore, did she? Once she walked through that door, she would have no worries. Although her apprehension was still there regarding what to expect, Lisa found she was no longer hesitant to enter the house. Getting to her feet and smoothing down her pink skirt, Lisa determinedly spun toward the house and marched herself back to the door.
* * * *
Landon let the curtain fall back into place when he saw Lisa enter the house. He hadn’t realized how tense he’d been until her hand twisted the knob. He was grateful his office faced out toward the drive, as it gave him a visual of the crystal entry hall. He felt his shoulders release the tautness as he walked back to his desk. Taking control of the mouse, he clicked the appropriate buttons to shut down his system. Work, for the day, was over and playtime was just beginning. He hadn’t felt this rejuvenated in years. He remembered the feeling of training his first submissive well, but this—well, this was even more special considering what they had to lose.
Landon would give Lisa five minutes to get into position and wondered how she would react when Maddy went to retrieve her clothes. Hell, she would probably shriek when she realized she could be seen from outside through the leaded glass. He left specific instructions for just that scenario, wanting to gauge her reaction. The more she was exposed to people seeing her beautiful nude body, the more confidence it would give her while being so in their home. He made a mental note to have some friends over on Friday evening.
“Ouch!” Landon felt the claws of Hansel dig into his ankle. He didn’t even have to look down to know which one it was, because Hansel was the one who thought he was a big-game hunter. He liked to lie in wait, especially underneath Landon’s desk. He must have snuck under there when Landon had gone to the window. “Just for that, I’m locking you and your sister in here. I don’t need you interfering.”
Hansel seemed to actually understand what he meant, for he made a screeching sound and sprinted for the door. Shit. That fur ball better stay away from Lisa, especially right now, considering she was probably in the middle of disrobing. His cell phone rang and he snatched it up off of his desk, not taking his eyes off the door. Where was Gretel?
“Just checking in,” Owen said, his voice traveling over the line. “I’ll be home within the hour. I placed that order we discussed and am picking it up on the way home.”
“I have that one plug that is still in the package. It’s relatively small.” Landon looked around the office, making sure that everything had been done for the day. Confident that was the case, he walked around the desk and out his office door. “Do you want me to go ahead and start?”
“Yes, it’s better that she have the same routine every day.” Owen laughed. “And it’s not like I could have stopped you. You sound like you’re in a hurry, so I take it she’s home?”
“She arrived around five minutes ago. I’m having Maddy gather her clothes, and then I’ll take it from there. Hey, I’m inviting Harrison and Grant over on Friday night, along with Elena, of course. I think exposing Lisa to others within the lifestyle is a good idea.”
“How do you think she’ll react when she sees them? Lisa knows them from functions around town. Is that such a good idea right now?”
“Hell, Owen, she practically knows everyone we associate with. She’s socialized with nearly everyone associated with the Order. It will probably ease her doubts about our lifestyle being leaked to the press.” Landon took the back stairs down to their private playroom. It wasn’t nearly as big as Harrison and Grant’s, but it suited them for their purpose. He grabbed the stainless steel plug from the array of toys that they kept on a shelf against the wall and went about opening the packaging. “Although, it does make me slightly nervous knowing that Trish Lawton was trying to gather names from the club.”
“Sander and Lashe are taking care of it.”
Landon threw away the wrapping and washed the new toy in the small sink behind the counter of the wet bar. Their playroom was designed with entertainment in mind. Using the toy cleaner, he made sure that the plug was sanitized before heading back up the stairs. He made sure to grab a small tube of lube as well. Oddly, it occurred to him as he started toward the steps that there had to be very few wet bars that were stocked with toy cleaner, lube, and select vintage wine. Chuckling to himself, he knew his brother was absolutely right…it was showtime.
“That’s good to know. Now get your ass home. We have an evening planned, and I, for one, would like to make sure it’s a success.”
Landon released his hold of the phone that had been trapped between his chin and shoulder, letting it fall into his right hand. He shoved the device into his pocket and made his way back up the stairs. Walking into the entry hall, he was able to finally see what he’d always desired—and what a vision she was. The light coming through the glass held Lisa in a state of grace. All he could do was stand and stare at this image of magnificence.
Chapter Eight
Lisa was thankful that she was clasping her hands behind her or Landon was bound to see the tremors. She was relatively sure her entire body was trembling uncontrollably. Maybe he wouldn’t notice. Gritting her teeth, she found it hard to keep herself from chattering. Why was she reacting this way? Hadn’t she made the decision to submit when she walked through the front door?
Landon was sauntering down the hallway, appearing in her peripheral view as she kept her eyes downcast like they’d ordered. She tried to hold herself still, but her thighs felt like quivering rubber as she kept her knees parted. She ignored the fact that her pussy had already started to weep and that her nipples had never been so hard. The entire entryway was plainly visible to anyone within fifty feet of the front of the manor. Only the landscaping and the sheer acreage kept her from being seen from the gate.
She’d been handling things reasonably well earlier, until a woman by the name of Maddy appeared. Lisa had undressed, folded her clothes on the table and then took her place on the rug in the entry hall. Out of nowhere, a woman appeared and introduced herself as Maddy. It didn’t seem as if she was offended in the least at seeing a naked woman kneeling on the rug by the front door. As a matter of fact, Maddy even collected her clothes and mentioned she would have them sent to the cleaners, but Lisa was too humiliated to say anything in the way of a response.
“You’re overanalyzing.”
Lisa startled and looked up, seeing Landon’s dark gaze skimming her body. His eyes lingered on her bare pussy before making their way back up. Landon continued to stare intently at her until she realized wh
at she was doing wrong. She quickly averted her eyes, lowering her lashes to conceal her panic. From having a woman, regardless that she was on their payroll, find her in this state to hearing the disapproval in Landon’s voice made Lisa doubt that she could do this. She felt the sting of tears, which mortified her even more, since she rarely allowed herself to cry.
Landon surprised her by crouching down in front of her. He took her chin in his hand and brought her face up to meet his gaze. Instead of seeing displeasure or irritation in his eyes, she saw only tenderness and affection. This seesaw that her emotions were riding brought back all of her doubts that had surfaced prior to entering the house.
“How was your day?”
His question took her aback. Here she was, kneeling in front of him with her most intimate parts exposed, and he wanted to discuss her day? His thumb was brushing her chin, making her wonder what his touch would feel like elsewhere. She was usually a very focused person and never strayed from her task. Yet here she was, not able to concentrate on a single emotion for more than five seconds.
“Um, good?” Lisa wasn’t sure why she worded that as a question.
“Good, Sir. You are to call me Sir Landon when you walk through that door. How are you feeling right now?”
Title. She forgot his title. Owen mentioned last night that he preferred Master Owen. She would have to remember that for when he got home. Would she still be here by then, or did Landon feel that she wasn’t cut out for this? She was starting to feel that way herself.
“Lisa, I asked you a question. Your only purpose walking through that door is to please Owen and me. Nothing else. Everything else in the world fades away.”